Dec 30, 2011

Ian's new glasses!

Yesterday was the big day! It was the day that Ian got his new glasses. In order to get his glasses, I left work at 4pm, got Ian from daycare and then we were off to Academy Eye Center. Ian patiently waited his turn for his glasses. Once he had his glasses on his face, he searched for a mirror. He glanced in the mirror for a short time (my stomach was turning, hoping that he would like them). After his short glance in the mirror he turned to me and then said, "I like them". I sighed with relief and complimented his glasses and how handsome he looked with them on. He left them on his face as we headed outside to the car. Once in the car, Ian adjusted his glasses several times by pushing them up with his index finger. We called Daddy to tell him about Ian's new glasses and how handsome he looked. Once Branden got home, Uncle Craig made an appearance at the Lewis house and also made a big deal over the new spectacles. Uncle Craig liked his glasses and told Ian "I like your glasses, you look like Uncle Craig", which made Ian smile. After dinner, Ian and I went into the bedroom to watch The Grinch (for the 500,000 time). During the movie, I noticed that Ian had slid the glasses down on his nose and was trying to watch the movie above the top of the frames (without Mommy noticing). So, I removed the glasses from his face and told him how proud that I was of him for wearing his glasses. I guess 3.5 hours isn't bad for a three year old. We will try to wear them a little longer tomorrow and this coming weekend. I don't think the glasses are quite ready for daycare yet!

Dec 28, 2011

Are you ready to get up Mom?

Well, I can honestly say that it was no surprise to us when Ian wanted to get out of bed at 7am on Christmas morning. I am not sure how it happened, but we somehow managed to distract him with cartoons for thirty more minutes. Thank you child for thirty more minutes(Santa's elves were up late lastnight). I knew that sleepy time was over for Branden and I when Ian said, "It's time to get up Mom. Are you ready to get up Mom?" Once we were awake, we hurried into the living room to see what Santa had brought. When Ian walked into the living room, he was shocked. Santa had eaten all of the cookies (all but a few crumbs) and drank all of the milk that we had left for him. He had also left a million toys by the front door which included a kitchen set with a Thomas The Train activity table, a shopping cart, a football, and the list goes on and on. Based upon all of the new items in our living room, I would say that Ian was a good boy this year!

Santa is coming!

Christmas Eve was a very busy day for us this year, for we had many places to go. We started our journey at 11am as we gathered presents and ourselves in the car and headed to Grandma's house for lunch. From Grandma's house, Branden and I headed home to finish up some last minute Christmas wrapping (while Ian went to Mawmaw's), so our child would not be disappointed on Christmas morning. After wrapping gifts, we gathered more presents and loaded ourselves back into the car and headed to my mom's house. We exhanged presents, and scurried to get to Kim's house by 5:30 for dinner. We were accompanied by my little brother, Nathan at Kim's house (so Mom could finish her Christmas shopping). Once we were all stuffed from dinner, we exchanged gifts once more. Whew! Finally, we headed home for bath and pajama time. Once our bedtime rituals were complete, we put out reindeer food on the front porch and walkway, and milk and cookies on the coffee table for Santa Claus. While Ian was sleeping, Santa's elves were hard at work making sure that all of the toys were put together and in place for the surprise on Christmas morning.

BTW- The elves realized that "cheaper is not always better" while putting together Ian's kitchen this year!

Dec 16, 2011

Look Mom.....Christmas Lights!

On Friday, December 9th we took Ian to Tanglewood's Festival of Lights. When we got to Tanglewood Ian joined Branden and I in the front of car (sitting on Branden's lap). He was excited to see all of the Christmas lights. He was also excited when I turned the radio station to Christmas music. However, I got the "do we have to listen to this crap" look from Branden. Once I received "the look", I polietly explained to Branden that he was "an old fart" and he needed to get over it beacuse Ian liked it. All of us (myself, Branden, Nana, and Zach) were all amused when Ian started singing or shouting "Santa Claus is coming to Town".

Dec 6, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Lewis house. Once Thanksgivng was over, we put up the Christmas tree,hung the ornaments,and added Mickey Mouse as our tree topper. We also hung our stockings in the living room, icicle lights in the windows, and added a wreath to the front door. I did most of the decorating this year, but Ian helped to spread the holiday cheer by adding Christmas magnets to the fridge and the front door. He was so proud of his decorations!

Nov 30, 2011

My Stewart Little!

I took Ian to the eye doctor for his follow up appointment yesterday. Mom joined me to provide back up when administering the dilating solution. Ian cooperated with the assistant until it was time for the eye drops to go in. Once he realized what was happening he came to me for support, so I cuddled him for a few minutes and used it to my advantage. His legs were wrapped around my waist, so I carefully laid his head in the floor and held his head still while Mom held his hands and the nurse added the drops. Ian was okay after the drops were massaged into his eyes, because I made it all better with a pack of Reese cups! Once he calmed down, the doctor took a look at his eyes, wrote his prescription and we headed to the racks of eye glasses. I found a pair that would work, and I handed them to Ian. He put them on and strutted his stuff in front of the mirror, looking at himself with the glasses on and then off again. Finally, he said that he liked them and kind of giggled. We ordered the glasses! I hate that Ian has to have glasses at such a young age, but hopefully the glasses with correct the issue overtime.

Nov 22, 2011

Tell me what you want to know! :)

25 Things about Me

1. I am married to my BESTFRIEND since the 3rd grade. I love you Branden!
2. I would love to go shopping in New York during the Christmas season!
3. My son fills my heart with love, just by holding his hand, looking in his eyes, rocking him to sleep and singing goofy songs with him. There is nothing in this world that makes me feel like he does. He is my life!
4. One day, my family hopes to able to move to the beach, own a beach house, or a timeshare. I love the smell of the ocean, the sand between my toes and the look on Ian’s face when he runs into the waves.
5. I have a best friend that understands me, knows that I need her and is always there for me. (Even if we go 5 months without a phone call).
6. I am thankful for my Grandma, without her…I would not be the person that I am today.
7. I love to travel to exotic places. (I have been to the Bahamas and Honduras and I really want to visit Aruba, Mexico, and Jamaica in the near future).
8. I still say my bedtime prayers and the blessing before eating. (However, Ian has taken over with the dinner blessing- He says that “GOD IS GOOD…AMEN)
9. I decorate everything with snowmen, during the Christmas season.
10. My favorite season is fall because of the cool breeze, and beautiful colors.
11. I love the MasterCard logo; it’s like my life…….PRICELESS!
12. I need to go to church more, and get my child and husband involved in the beauty of the lord. City of Refuge in Randleman is AWESOME; you can feel the spirit of the Lord in that place! (Love you Steffie)
13. I am a sucker for flowers! I love to get flowers for no reason, it makes my day! (My favorites are the White Rose, Gerber Daisies and Sunflowers)
14. My husband and I dream of owning a pub or sports bar one day.
15. There is not a day that goes by, that I do not miss the family members that have passed.
16. I have a bucket list.
17. I am too hard on myself and others sometimes, I am a perfectionist.
18. I am a “clean freak”. Everything has its place and it had better be in it!
19. I absolutely love Italian food with a glass of white wine.
20. I am true to my word. If I tell you something….I mean it.
21. I am a LEO and a very stubborn one at that!
22. I want to have a star named after me.
23. I was a victim of Domestic Violence, which made me realize how strong I really am, and how many people support and love me.
24. I will never drive a mini van! LOL (Even though, my husband says I will need one to haul Ian and his baseball buddies to practice and games)
25. I sing at the top of my lungs, when in the car by myself. (I use this as a therapeutic stress relief).

Nov 14, 2011

Snips & Snails or Sugar & Spice?

Today was the day to find out the sex of our second child. Branden was unable to go to the doctor with me today, so I was accompanied by my Grandma Liz and Sister in law, Jennifer. Grandma went back into the ultrasound room with me while they gathered measurements, but Jen joined us or the final reveal. At this moment, I began to feel nervous, but was some what relieved when she announced that Ian was going to have a little brother. That's right, a little brother....Snips and snails, and puppy dog tails. That's what little boys are made of.

As a mother, I had a "gut feeling" that this child was a boy, eventhough everyone else believed it was a girl. I know that Ian will be very excited when we tell him this afternoon, because he told me this morning that he wanted a "little brutter".

Nov 13, 2011

The Birthday Boy!

On Saturday, November 5th Ian's birthday party was held at Pump it Up in Greensboro. The party was at 2pm and a success. Many friends and family joined the clelebration and Ian was extremely happy that Dallas and Kayla from daycare were able to come. The little kids and "big kids" better known as adults enjoyed themselves on the slides and bounce houses for an hour. Then we headed into the party room for cake and refreshments. We sang Happy Birthday to Ian which confused him a little, because he informed me that he wanted to sing Happy Birthday too. When opening his gifts, Ian invited his girlfriend Kayla to sit on the throne with him. He was impressed by all of his presents, but his new bicylce took the cake! However, he got a little upset when he was unable to pedal backwards. In the end, he got the hang of it and Kayla made it all better when she pushed him around the room on his BIG BOY bike. Overall, I think Ian had a wonderful 3rd birthday!

Nov 4, 2011

I want a football....anything else?

Today was a productive day from the start. Ian had a doctor's appt today, so it was my responsibility to get him to urinate in tiny cup before taking him to daycare. I used my creative side this morning to make progress. First, I bribed my child with candy and then we played a game. The rules of the game included Ian pee peeing in the potty while Mommy catches the pee pee in the cup. Ian thought it was really funny and Mommy won the game. Yay Mommy! Once we were ready, I took Ian to daycare (where he told Miss Kimmie that he pee peed in a cup) and Mommy got the crazy eyebrow look. After explaining why he had to pee in a cup, I headed to work. I worked til noon and picked up my little man. We drove to Great Clips, got his haircut and then headed to the doctor. He was fine at the doc, until they pricked his finger, but we made it all better with a snack, juice box, and a couple of stickers....Whew, that was a close one. After the doctor, we decided to pay Santa Claus a visit. Ian was kind of iffy at first, but he finally walked up to Santa and told him that he wanted a "football", and that was all. Santa was really nice and persuaded Ian to turn around and sit on his lap as I snapped a quick photo. My Ian bug was very good today and he made me proud. I can't believe he is already three years old. Boy, I feel old!

Nov 3, 2011

My proud Mommy moment :)

Today is not off to a good start! We were almost ready to head for daycare and work, so Branden went outside to start my car. A few seconds later, he came back inside to inform me that my tire was flat. I walked to the back of the house to finish getting ready while Branden and Ian stayed in the living room. Branden and I were having a conversation about the car, but because we were in two different locations in the house, our voices were a little louder than Ian is use too. Ian automatically turned to Branden and said "You better not yell at my Mommy". Evernthough he was telling his father what to do, I felt pride in the fact that he was taking up for me (because he thought Branden was yelling at me). In all of the craziness at the Lewis household this morning, I had a proud Mommy moment and realized that my child is growing into a little gentleman.

Nov 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Ian!

It seems like yesterday, but three short years ago, Branden and I were blessed with a tiny baby boy. This tiny baby was born four weeks early and was "our little miracle." Not only was he a miracle, but he was a fighter. He pulled through 2 weeks at Brenner Childrens Hospital. He was so tiny, but he was strong when we were weak. The day that Ian was born, I was scared and had no idea how to be a parent. However, we brought our little Ian bug home and surprisingly he lived a year, then two and now he is our BIG BOY at three years old! Over the last three years, he has grown into "Daddy's baseball buddy" and he is and always will be "Mommy's baby" who has a tremendous amount of personality and charm. Branden and I have also grown and come to the conclusion that Ian completes us. We are excited about sharing every experience of life with our son in the future. He deserves all that life has to offer. Without him we would not be the people that we are today.

Happy 3rd Birthday Ian, we love you!

Oct 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Ian woke up this morning in one of his sleepy moods, but I made things "all better" when I explained that he could wear his Halloween costume to daycare today. He was really excited about being a football player and getting to wear his long johns, football socks and eye black (we can't forget that). Before leaving for daycare our "All Star Quarterback" posed for a few quick photos with Mom and Dad. Once we arrived at Kid City, Ian was a little disappointed because his football had to stay in the car, but we still managed to strut into the building like a true "jock". As he walked down the hallway, all of the teachers made a "big deal" about his costume.
The kids are going Trick-or-Treating at some of the Nursing Homes today, and then filling up on sweets and lots of candy, which will make Ian very Happy.
Happy Halloween to all! :)

Oct 17, 2011

What am I getting myself into?

Since Berkley's recent arrest, there have been a few changes at Hinkle Street. Craig has made the decision that Berkley will not be allowed to reside at Hinkle Street when he gets out. After speaking with Craig, we learned that he would like for Branden and I to repair/remodel the house and make it home for our family. Branden and I started cleaning and removing items from the house yesterday and worked approximately seven hours. We accomplished 3.5 rooms downstairs, but there is still a lot of work to be done. Moving onward!

Lazy 5

Saturday, October 15th was a good day! Branden and I took Ian to Lazy 5 Ranch and were accompanied by Jennifer, Brayden, and Brooklyn. We took a 3:15 wagon ride through the ranch and the kids absolutely loved feeding the animals. Ian was scared a couple of times when approached by the bigger cattle, but he liked feeding the smaller one's. After the wagon ride, the kids played on the slides for awhile and then we headed home. I was glad that we got to spend some time with Jen and the kids.

Oct 6, 2011

Toes in the sand!

This past weekend we packed the truck, made a pit stop at Pawpaw and Nana's, and headed to the sand! Pawpaw, Nana, Branden, Ian, and I took a family beach trip for Branden's 31st birthday. This trip was very relaxing for all of us and Ian had a blast playing in the sand, running into the ocean, and flirting with all of the girls on the beach.

P.S. I think Pawpaw and Daddy enjoyed the view too!

Sep 28, 2011

12 weeks, 1 day (Ian's little sibling)

Sep 21, 2011

Rejoicing for the peace upon her now!

On Thursday September 15th, we watched our loved one slip away. This was the night that my Aunt, Faye Saunders Jolly lost her battle to lung cancer. I got a phone call from my mom around 7:15 that evening, to hear that Faye's breathing had slowed and if we wanted to spend time with her we needed to go now. I quickly got in my car and drove to Faye's home where most of family had already gathered. When I reached the door, I was surrounded by tear filled eyes. Upon entering the living room, I could hear Faye struggling to breathe. I think that overall, her fiance, Mark was the strongest of us all. He was a trooper as he continued to caress Faye's head and tell her that everything was going to be okay, and that we were all there with her and that we all loved her very much. As I rubbed Faye's hand and kissed her forehead, I knew that her death was expected but I never knew how hard it would be to watch someone lose their fight. Faye was a child at heart, and overalll I think the best lesson that I learned through Faye was that you should live each day as it was your last...just like she did. You should also tell those that you love and care about just how much you really do care and most importantly, you should never take anyone or anything for granted. My she rest in peace with Grandpa, Terry, Chris, and Johnny for I know they are rejoicing!

Sep 2, 2011

Ways to save!?!?

Since I am ultimately in charge of our finances, I have taken it upon myself to find ways for our family to save money. The most obvious option was to start couponing, which I have done in the past. When I coupon, I hear Cha Ching, Cha Ching which is the sound of money going back into my pocket. Oh, how I love that sound! I have managed to save $117.19 a month by paying off our TV that we bought on credit from Aaron Rental, in order to build Branden's credit score. Over the past couple of years, I have learned that having good credit is a plus, but the bills still come at the end of the month when you buy on credit. I have also cancelled our supplemental insurance policy and saved our family an additional $66.83 a month. Wow, it is amazing how much you can eliminate from your expenses when you put your mind to it. I am currently trying to break my husband down on the amount of cable that we REALLY need and his smoking. However, I really don't think these things will be as easy as the others. Now, if I can get my husband to see my point of view! Lord help me!

Aug 31, 2011

Which way do we go?

Well, our lives have taken a small detour. We recently found out that we are expecting another child, Branden has been laid off of work and we are now going to need a larger home for our growing family. Not to mention that our finances are already tight. In my heart, I know that everything will work out for the best and everything will fall into place, but what's going on in my head is another story. I am so distraught. I can't help but to be a little selfish. I was looking forward to returning to college in January, but once again Nursing school has been put on hold. Branden and I were recently looking for other houses and planning to buy, but now all I can think about is "How in the world will we afford a bigger home"? The one thing that I don't understand about my husband is how much he thinks he needs the materialistic things in life. When we started dating, he didn't even own a cell phone or have cable, and now he makes it seem as if he would die if he had to do without either of these things. Another thing that really bugs me is that I used to be able to pay all of our bills with my income, but now it seems as if everything has spiraled out of control. I realize that our family is blessed to have the things in life that we have; which is a lot more than most people, but somehow I still feel unsure about the future and changes that are to come. Surely, my hormones have no affect on my feelings right now!

Aug 11, 2011

Toot Toot!

On Tuesday, August 9th the baby train came to town, tooted its whistle and made the decision to hang around the station. In other words, Ian is going to be a BIG Brother! Our pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasound and our due date is April 8th.
I am approximately 4.5-5 weeks preggo. Branden and I are excited about being parents again, but our Ian Bug has mixed emotions. He says that he wants a baby...not a boy or a girl...just a baby and he wants his Daddy to buy it at the store! I have a feeling that this will be an interesting pregancy. Ian is going to be an AwEsOmE BIG Brother!

Jun 9, 2011

Moving on!

Today, Nathan graduated from fifth grade! Mom and I attended the graduation ceremony which was held at Rich Fork Baptist Church. We sat in the balcony seating and waited for the class of 2018 to walk in. As the children were seated, I could see Nathan to begin to panic as he looked for Mom and I. So, I kindly stood up and waved to him and he greeted us with a smile and wave. Even though, Nathan did not participate in any clubs, or win awards for perfect attendance, A honor roll, or AB honor roll, while at Pilot Elementary; he did pass the EOG's and I am proud of him for that! As he walked across the front of the church to receive his certificate this morning, his eyes lit up and he had the biggest grin on his face. At that moment, I knew that he was proud of his own accomplishment. It is hard to believe that he will be a 6th grader next year...but he will always "little Nathan" to me.

May 30, 2011

Fun in the sun!

Ian was a good boy at Nana's this past weekend, so we decided to get him a prize. We had no idea that his prize would be a $25 inflatable pool. We tempted him with other stuff but he had other plans. He was so excited when we got it home and filled it with water. He was splashing and spraying everyone in sight!

All I could do was laugh and say "That's my Ian bug!"

We went out lastnight! (3 years and counting cont'd)

Three years and counting!

Branden and I went out this past weekend to celebrate three years of marriage. We had dinner at Texas Roadhouse with Chad, April, and Dave. Then we made our way to Johnny and June's. It was an awesome night, eventhough I looked like a dog on the way home (with my head hanging out of the window) all of the way down 40 and 109. Oh, what was I thinking when I went to the bar???

Lesson learned....NEVER mix dark liquor with white liquor.
If Branden loves me enough to put up with my drunkard actions....we will live a long and happy life together. Three years and counting!

I love you baby!

May 27, 2011

Ian's photo shoot for HPFI

Ian and I participated in a photo shoot for a healthcare brochure at HPFI yesterday. I posed as a nurse and Ian was my "little" patient. Ian wore his Toy Story 3 pajamas and had his "Woody" (doll from Toy Story) in the hospital bed with him for most of the shoot and I wore my blue scrubs and stethoscope. Ian and I played, pretended to be asleep and listened to one anothers heart.

I was informed that my heart "is too loud"!

As of today, I have not seen the results of the photo session; but I hope the pictures turn out okay. It will be really cool to show Ian that he was in a marketing brochure at the age of 2. :)

May 12, 2011

Tweetsie Railroad....Here we come!

We have decided to take Ian to Tweetsie Railroad this year to see Thomas The Train. He absolutely loves Thomas! I found an ad in a magazine with the dates that Thomas will be in Tweetsie, showed it to Ian, and hung it on the fridge. Everyday since then, he points to the ad and says "I want to see Thomas". Branden, Ian, Nathan and I are planning to take a trip to Blowing Rock on Friday, June 10th. We will schedule our train ride around 3:30, so we can go back into the park on Saturday June 11th for FREE. I can't wait to see Ian's face when we get there! :)

Disappointed but not surprised!

This past weekend was very hard for me!
I finished my six hour clinical day on Saturday, and patiently waited my turn for my final grade. I was disappointed to learn that I had a 75 average, and that my spot in Practical Nursing was gone. To be able to continue in the program an average of 80was required. The hybrid class lost 1/2 of the girls on Saturday due to the final exam grades. This was a very emotional day for everyone! I can honestly say that I was disappointed but not surprised that I did not make it through this semester. Working a forty-hour work week, and trying to keep up with responsibilities at home and with college are very challenging.

However, I do have the opportunity to return to MCC 2nd semester (January 2012) to complete the program. Looking on the bright side of the situation, I now feel that I have a better understanding of what is expected of me, so I plan to keep my head up, do what I have to do and plan to graduate from the Practical Nursing program in 2012.

Apr 27, 2011

Gotta have faith!

Where do I begin?

My thoughts today are that nursing school is a lot harder than I could have ever imagined. However, being the persoon that I am, my mind set is that I have come too far to give up now. I guess I need to suck it up, put my big girl panties on and deal with whatever comes my way. I made an 80.2 on Test #5 tonight. At this point in time, I am unsure that this will be enough to get me into the Summer semester. I have bombed 2 out of the 5 test and only have 7 days until the final. I emailed the Director of Nursing to see what my final grade needs to be to continue in the program, and I am patiently and faithfully awaiting her response. As a full-time employee, full-time mom, wife and college student I have slacked off on studing, and I may have to pay the consequences for my actions.

On a happier note - I got my cap and gown tonight! I am only hoping that I have the chance to wear it because I am super psyched about graduation on May 11th (crossing my fingers).

Feb 14, 2011

Our trip to the Circus

On Thursday 2/10/11, I accompanied Ian and his class to "The Greatest Show on Earth" better known as The Ringling Brothers Circus. There were a total of 18 children, five parents and two teachers. Each parent was responsible for their own child and one additional child throughout the trip. I was responsible for Ian and Jayden. Jayden was a quite little boy in comparision to my little "jibber jabber". Once the show began, I didn't hear a peep from either of them, until Ian asked "what's that" when the clowns came through the curtains. Ian's favorite part of the show was the clowns. When they were finished with their part in the show..he looked at me and said "Mommy, I want more clowns". Since Branden has a fear of clowns I proudly text him informing him of his sons love for them. The children had uncrustables, chips and a juice box for lunch right there in their seats. After lunch, it was amazing how quickly they fell asleep as the show continued. Our trip to the circus was very interesting, and I am glad that I was able to participate in this field trip.

Motorcyle = $12.00
Light up Toy = $20.00
The expression on my child's face = PRICELESS

Jan 27, 2011

It's so hard to say goodbye, so until we meet again!

Adam Floyd Blackwell
Location: Thomasville map
Mr. Adam Floyd Blackwell, 29, a resident of 136 Scottney Ct., died Saturday, January 22, 2011 at his home. He was born on April 1, 1981 in Guilford County to Maxie Floyd Blackwell and Dixie Kight Blackwell. He was a co-store manager with Harris Teeter on Reynolda Road and a member Bethel United Methodist Church. Surviving in addition to his parents, Maxie and Dixie Blackwell of Thomasville, are a son, Maddox Zane Blackwell of King, NC; sisters, Melissa Blackwell of Thomasville, and Erin Byerly and husband Chris of Lexington; two nieces, Bailey Marie Hegler and Kayden Elizabeth Hegler, both of Thomasville; and a nephew, Ethan Chase Byerly of Lexington. A funeral service will be held on Friday, January 28, 2011 at 2:00 PM at Bethel United Methodist Church with Rev. Arthur Holland officiating. Interment will follow in Holly Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. Mr. Blackwell will remain at the J.C. Green & Sons Funeral Home in Thomasville until taken to the church 30 minutes prior to the service. The family will be at the funeral home on Thursday from 6-8 pm and at other times at the home of his parents, 3696 Old Highway 29, Thomasville. Memorials may be directed to Maddox Zane Blackwell College Fund, c/o Dixie Blackwell, 3696 Old Highway 29, Thomasville, NC 27360. On-line condolences may be sent to

Taken too soon....RIP Zach!

Zachary Scott Kindley
Location: Thomasville map
Mr. Zachary Scott Kindley, 24, a resident of Pinecrest Dr. died Sunday, January 23, 2011. He was born on January 25, 1986 in Guilford County to Robert Scott Kindley and Bonnie Kaye Ashburn Mahan. He worked for his stepfather at Mahan Floor Covering and attended Glenola Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandfather, Robert Lee Kindley and maternal grandfather, Joe Bill Ashburn. Surviving are his father, Robert Scott Kindley of Trinity; mother and stepfather, Bonnie Kaye Mahan and James Paul Mahan, Jr. of Trinity; brothers, Brandon Nicholas Ashburn of Thomasville, and Robert Tyler Moss of the home; paternal grandmother, Peggy Hoover Kindley of Trinity; grandparents, Donald and Rachel Johnson of Trinity and Paul and Lettie Mahan of Archdale. He had lots of Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and family who were close to him and loved him. A funeral service will be held on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 2:00 PM at Glenola Baptist Church with Rev. Tim Steen and Rev. Doug Davis officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Mr. Kindley will remain at the J.C. Green & Sons Funeral Home in Thomasville until taken to the church 30 minutes prior to the service. The family will be at the funeral home on Tuesday from 6-8 pm. On-line condolences may be sent to

Jan 21, 2011

That is debatable!

Ok, so I went to class on Wednesday night and learned that I have to purchase a "nursing hat" that MUST be worn at ALL Clinical sites and Graduation. I also learned that it is mandatory that all Nursing students wear a white nursing dress, below the knee with 3/4 length sleeves at Graduation. Wow! I know that MCC is out in BFE better known as "By God, Montgomery County"...but I cannot believe that we still have to do this. There was a HUGE debate and of course, the students lost. So, I guess I will be wearing my little white dress with the nursing hat.
BTW- Our Nursing Director says that "It is an honor to wear the hat" and "you are not a nurse, if you don't wear your hat".
An Honor....seriously???
Did you see the hat?

Jan 17, 2011

A New Year = A New Me!
I have recently started exercising, jogging and walking with a great group of girls.
Yesterday was my first day at the track, so I am a little sore.
Despite the muscle aches, I will be back at the track tonight.
No pain, No gain!

I have to get in shape, for our cruise!